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  • Tags: cliffs
Brava's varied, but always rocky, coastline photographed during a journey by small boat from Faj
The rocky and steep coastline of Brava photographed during a journey by small boat from Faj
This photograph is taken near the end of a journey from Nova Sintra to Fajã d'Água via aluguer. On the horizon the Ilhéu da Areia can be seen disappearing into the haze. This photograph also gives you a good idea of how jagged and dramatic the…
Taken from an aluguer en route to Fajã d'Água, this elevated view of Nova Sintra shows the coastline and some of the volcanic crater that Furna is nestled within. Most of Brava's coastline is made of steep cliff's that rise to a dry tableland, as…
The slope of Pico do Fogo seen from the shadowy crater below. The voclano is still active, last erupting in 1995, an event which destroyed the nearby village of Boca Fonte and created a new peak, known simply as the 1995 peak. The Pico, standing at…
The steep slope of Pico do Fogo seen from the shadowy crater below. Pico do Fogo is an active volcano, it's last eruption was in 1995 which destroyed the village of Boca Fonte.
A long look across Fogo's ominous cliffs that hang over the islands black sand beaches. In the foreground some local fishing vessels have been dragged ashore, or perhaps are waiting to be launched (from the shadows in the picture this picture seems…
The coastline of Santo Antoão is rocky and jagged. At some points the mountains descend directly to the coastline, as seen here.
A view of the mountainous coastline around Paùl. Craggy mountains descend into the sea and cliffs are visible. The picture shows how striking and rugged the coastline can be. Slide CV-81-159 shows the same section of coastline at less of a…
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