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  • Tags: Ribeira de Paùl
The coastline of Santo Antoão is rocky and jagged. At some points the mountains descend directly to the coastline, as seen here.
These traditional stone cottages are set against a mountainous backdrop. One of the abundant natural resources in Cape Verdè is stone. Many of the traditional and modern structure are built from stone. They feature thatched roofs. These…
Another example of terraced landscapes. The terracing is a means of soil conservation since the island has relatively low rainfall. Clothes are spread out on rocks to dry.
Scenic view of a small village or family estates with lush greenery and stone walls in Ribeira do Paul.
A glimpse of the daily life in Ribeira de Paül. In dry areas, there are a few forms of livestock farming with small scale being the most common and widespread. Livestock farming is highly dependent on animal feed and accounts for a large portion of…
A shot of a cliff side plantation in Ribeira de Paùl. This shows the severity of the shear cliff faces on this island, the various houses on the land and the terraced farming that is commonplace in this area.
Another view of the previous picture with the women at the bottom. Here you can see they are washing their clothes at a rural fountain.
More evidence of the tropical climate this island experiences with lush landscape including palm trees. The deep valleys tin this photograph are dramatically captured here. The people at the bottom of the picture are possibly washing their clothes.
Stone houses with thatched roof located high in the distance against a massive shear mountain face. The land here is rocky, but with abundant plant life. The children appear to be heading back to the homes or leaving carrying baskets perhaps to…
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