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  • Tags: Fajã d'Água
Some large rocks jut out of the harbor at Fajã d'Água. The step and mountainous coastline surround this small village protects it from northwestern winds, creating this calm, quiet harbor.
The steep mountains that protect Fajã d'Água from the strong northwestern winds that sweep across Brava.
The clear, placid waters of the harbor at Fajã d'Água are uncommon for Brava, an island that is swept by strong northwestern winds. However, this harbor and village are protected by steep mountains. It was once a place where whaling ships would dock.…
Residents of Fajã d'Água pose for a photo by David Baxter. [Unidentified]
Fajã d'Água harbor was once a harbor for whaling boats but is now a quiet, placid waterfront protected from northwestern winds by step mountains.
Fajã d'Água photographed from the shoreline shows the green landscape, terraced farming and close proximity of the houses to the water. Because the village lies at the foot of a steep mountain, it is sheltered from the fierce winds that are…
This aerial photograph of Fajã d'Água puts into perspective it's position at the foot of a steep mountain. Because of it's location it is sheltered from the northwest winds, making this little village very green and pleasant.
An aerial view of Fajã d'Água, a small village at the foot of a mountain, and also one of the most beautiful bays in Cape Verde. This quiet village was once where whaling boats would anchor.
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