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Looking down from Pico do Fogo to the island below, a city can be seen on the horizon [pehaps São Felipe?].
From the slope of Pico do Fogo looking over a planes of volcanic rock intermingled with sparse vegetation that thrives on the mineral rich soil left behind by an eruption. The last eruption occurred in 1995, an event that completely destroyed the…
An aerial view of Fogo, a an almost perfectly round island containing one large, active volcano. Pico do Fogo, the volcano itself, is the highest point in Cape Verde. The last erruption to date (2012) was in 1995. This photograph was made in 1981.
Journey to Ribeira Grande, one of the most spectacular road trips a visitor to Cape Verde can experience. In this image you can see how the mountains are stepped for farming. The island has two main peaks reaching 6,493 feet and 5,197 feet.
The view from Monte Verde, looking west. Most of the island is as it appears here, barren, rocky and sparsely populated.
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