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  • Tags: Santiago
On the island of Santiago, the central market of Assomada is among the largest. The market mainly provides trade between middlemen who seek to sell their products to larger markets. In terms of available products, the market displays a wide…
On the island of Santiago, the central market of Assomada is among the largest. The market mainly provides trade between middlemen who seek to sell their products to larger markets. In terms of available products, the market displays a wide…
The complex exterior of the Teacher's Training College is evident in this slide.

The system provides its teachers with the training necessary to be successful educators. Individuals planning to be primary school teachers are given 2 years of…
Here is another angle of the Teacher Training College, probably taken from the rooftop. The inner quarter includes a large swimming pool.

The system provides its teachers with the training necessary to be successful educators. Individuals planning…
Seen in this slide is the outer facade of the Teacher Training College.

The system provides its teachers with the training necessary to be successful educators. Individuals planning to be primary school teachers are given 2 years of training post…
Pictured in the distance is the Teacher Training College in Santa Catarina, Santiago. The system provides its teachers with the training necessary to be successful educators. Individuals planning to be primary school teachers are given 2 years of…
This slide is another depiction of the coastline of Praia. The Mid-Atlantic Ocean surrounds the East, South, and Western portions of the city.
This slide, similar to CV-83-033, Docked Ships Along the Coast of Praia, was taken above street level so that the roofs of the city are exposed. Important to this city is the port, which exports goods such as coffee, tropical fruits and sugar cane.
The Bank of Cape Verde is located in the capital city of Praia on the island of Santiago. It gained functional independence from the Portuguese Banco Nacional Ultramarino on July 1, 1976. The bank played an instrumental role in financing Cape Verde's…
A panoramic view of Praia, similar to slide CV-83-035, Praia, Capital of Cape Verde. On the left of the frame the Domingos Ramos Secondary School, with it's distinctive, pyramid-like tower rising above the city, can be seen.
Praia, the capital and largest city in Cape Verde, as photographed in 1983. The Domingos Ramos Secondary School is visible in the distance on the left side of the image. The Maria Pia lighthouse can be seen in the distance near the center of the…
An inland view of an unidentified neighborhood in Praia, the capital of Cape Verde. During the day the downtown area is a bustling business center, but at night merchants and workers retire to the communities scattered in the neighboring plains, such…
Situated along the coast of Santiago is Cape Verde's capital and largest city, Praia. The capital acts as an important port for the islands, exporting goods such as coffee, tropical fruits and sugar cane.
A contour map of the Cape Verde archipelago.
Detail of a contour map showing the islands Santiago and Maio.


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