Browse Items (1954 total)

This is a transcript made from a recorded interview. The original audio recording has since been lost or erased. The interview has been catalogued as 15 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made…

This is an audio file with a transcript. The interview has been catalogued as 19 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette…

This is an audio file with a transcript. The interview has been catalogued as 6 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette 05.

This is an audio file with a transcript. The interview has been catalogued as 9 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette 07.

This is a transcript made from a recorded interview. The original audio recording has since been lost or erased. The interview has been catalogued as 14 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made…

This is an audio file with a transcript. The interview has been catalogued as 4 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette 04.

This is an audio file with a transcript. The interview has been catalogued as 10 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette…

This is an audio file. The interview has been catalogued as 21 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette 12.

This is an a transcript made from a recorded interview. The original audio recording has since been lost or erased. The interview has been catalogued as 11 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made…

This is an audio file with a transcript. The interview has been catalogued as 5 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette 04.

This is an audio file. The interview has been catalogued as 20 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette 14. Most of this…

This is an audio file with a transcript. The interview has been catalogued as 2 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette 02.

This is an audio file with a transcript. The interview has been catalogued as 7 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette 06.

This is an audio file. The interview has been catalogued as 23 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette 13.

This is an audio file with a transcript. The interview has been catalogued as 18 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette…

This is an audio file with a transcript. The interview has been catalogued as 12 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette…

This is an audio file with a transcript. The interview has been catalogued as 13 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette…

This is an audio file with a transcript. The interview has been catalogued as 16 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette…

This is an audio file with a transcript. The interview has been catalogued as 1 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette 01.

This is an audio file with a transcript. The interview has been catalogued as 8 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette 08.

This is an audio file with a transcript. The interview has been catalogued as 17 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette…

This is an audio file. The interview has been catalogued as 24 of 24 from box 7 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Italian Women and Girls,' is located on audio cassette 02.

The Italo-American Club home at 256 Broadway in Providence is shown here as it appears today. In the photograph are two large flagpoles and a memorial monument that were dedicated on October 13, 1996. All the names of the members of the club as of…
The taller building in the foreground, and located right behind the Cathedral of the Annunciation, is the Ivan The Great Bell Tower. The Bell-Tower was built in 1505-1508 by Italian architect Bon Fryazin. A century later another arcade for bells was…
The Marine Corps War Memorial stands as a symbol of this grateful Nation's esteem for the honored dead of the U.S. Marine Corps. While the statue depicts one of the most famous incidents of World War II, the memorial is dedicated to all Marines who…
The Jaffa Flea Market is located between Yefet Street and Jerusalem Boulevard. It is heavily populated with people Sunday through Friday and offers a wide variety of goods to be purchased. These goods include a large selection of jewelry and oriental…
This Ottoman style mosque was built in 1916 by Hasan Bek, the governor of Jaffa at the time. Ottoman style of architechture flourished from the 1550s to about 1700. Certain elements typical of the style include its use of ornamental patterns of…
St. Peter’s church was built over a medieval citadel in the seventeenth century, but has been destroyed twice since. The present structure was completed in 1894. It is a historically notable structure. Built on a hill, the building is visible from…
A boy is climbing a Jatropha bush. The shrub is poisonous but the fruit from these trees is harvested, processed, and used as a treatment for diabetes and pain relief. It has similar properties as other analgesics.
A view of the leaves and fruit of the Jatropha bush. The shrub is poisonous but the fruit from these trees is harvested, processed, and used as a treatment for diabetes and pain relief. It has similar properties as other analgesics.
  Marker indicating height of Jerimoth Hill at 812 ft. above sea level. Having private previous owners, the summit was once the most limitedly available state high point only open 5 times a year. In more recent years, the site has become available to…
This photo was taken from the southeast end of the Eastern Wall looking towards Mount of Olives. The hill is located on the eastern side of Kidron creek and overlooks the old city of Jerusalem. This hill is considered holy ground due to the fact…
Al’Aqsa, which translates to ‘the furthest’, is one of the oldest mosques on earth. It is located next to the Dome of the Rock, and was first completed in 702. It was rebuilt completely in 780, and alterations have continued over the last…
Al’Aqsa Mosque translates to, “the furthest mosque.” First built in 702, and rebuilt again in 780, this mosque in Jerusalem reused parts from a Justinian period church. Since it’s being rebuilt in 780, it has undergone many alterations. This…
The Basilica of the Agony was designed by Italian architect Antonio Barluzzi. It is also known as the Church of All Nations because the construction of the church was funded through donations collected from many countries. Each of the donating…
Originally constructed during the rule of Emperor Constantine, The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was built as one of a number of memorial structures intended to, “enshrine places or objects associated with Gospel episodes or other hallowed events.”…
Seen in the distance of this photo is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. After surviving much destruction and repair, the church stands presently in Jerusalem. It was built to commemorate the hill of crucifixion and Christ’s tomb. The church itself is…
Also known as the Church of the Resurrection, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is a church built on a site venerated to be Golgotha. It was built in the third century under the rule of Constatntine at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and entombment.…
The interior design of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is a rhythmic sequence of light and less light designed to illicit emotional climaxes from visitors. The floor plan is based normal Roman house and palace design, the church progresses from…
Directly 22 meters northwest of the Dome of Rock on its platform lies the Dome of the Ascension (seen in the center of this picture). Originally a Crusader baptismal, this 6 meter wide dome was rebuilt as a Muslim shrine in 1200. To the left of this…
The Dome of the Rock was built to rival the splendor of Christian and Judaic architecture of the time. It’s dome is 20 m wide and consists of two wooden shells supported by a drum 16 m in height. The building uses design elements from Christian…
The Dome of the Rock is the earliest remaining Islamic monument. It is constructed on an artificial platform, has a dome measuring 20 meters in diameter, and a exterior richly decorated in mosaic. The shape of the building is octagonal. It was built…
The Dome of the Rock is the earliest remaining Islamic monument. It is constructed on an artificial platform, has a dome measuring 20 meters in diameter, and a exterior richly decorated in mosaic. The shape of the building is octagonal. It was built…
The Dome of the Rock, built over the Foundation Stone, is the oldest remaining Muslim monument. It has been meticulously maintained over the last 1400 years. The dome, spanning almost 20 m, had to be refitted with new ribs to support it after the…
The building is the earliest remaining Islamic monument. It is constructed on an artificial platform, has a 20 m dome, and richly decorated with mosaic. The shape of the building is octagonal. It was built by the Umayyad dynasty, in part to complete…
The exterior of the Dome of the Rock, adorned with both marble and mosaic, was covered during the Ottoman Empire in, “magnificent Turkish tiles” (Ettinghausen, 16). In this photograph, which shows the Temple Mount, on which the building is located,…
The Dome of the Rock was the first artistic endeavor of the Umayyads, and is the earliest surviving example of an Islamic monument. The architecture was meant to rival the splenduer of contemporary Christian and Judaic architecture. The building’s…
This 1980 photograph shows the facade of the outer wall at the Dome of the Rock. The mosaic design is significant in that it does not contain any representational imagery. The Dome of the Rock introduced decorative principles that heavily influenced…
The Dung Gate is one of the nine gates to the Old City in Jerusalem. It gains its name from the fact that it was the gate used to take trash out of the city to be disposed of in the Kidron Valley. It is seen here as heavily populated with pedestrians…
This photograph shows the North East section of the Eastern Wall in Jerusalem. At the left is the Golden Gate, dating from the 7th century AD. The Golden Gate is significant in the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions. At the left of the…
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