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  • Tags: modern
Woonsocket under went a revitalization process in the 1970s, specifically in an area known as the Social Flatlands. This photograph shows Woonsocket Village, a housing development that replaced neighborhoods that had formerly been multiple family…
This photograph, taken in the late 1970s, is an aerial view of the Citadel: Military College of South Carolina. The Romanesque design of the buildings was based on the architecture of the Old Citadel, which was designed by Frederick Wesner in…
Beit Hatfutsot, the Museum of the Jewish Diaspora was designed by Eliahu Gwircmann and Itzhak Yashar after winning an international competition judged by a panel headed by Miles van der Rohe. Opened in 1978, the museum, located on Tel Aviv…
The Basilica of the Agony was designed by Italian architect Antonio Barluzzi. It is also known as the Church of All Nations because the construction of the church was funded through donations collected from many countries. Each of the donating…
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