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  • Tags: Mount of Olives
The Mount of Olives is a mountainside in Jerusalem covered in a combination of magnificent architecture and stones. Among the various highlights of the Mount are the Church of Mary Magdalene, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Basilica of the Agony, and…
The Mount of Olives is another highly religious geological point in Israel. Named for the multitude of olive trees that used to habituate the area, the Mount of Olives spans a length of around 2 miles and has its highest point at 818 meters. Several…
Seen in the distance amongst the ruins is Mount of Olives, also known as Har HaZeitim, in Jerusalem. The hill is 2,900 feet tall consists of 3 summits with a tower on each. The hill is one of the city’s most religious places and acts as the main…
This photo was taken from the southeast end of the Eastern Wall looking towards Mount of Olives. The hill is located on the eastern side of Kidron creek and overlooks the old city of Jerusalem. This hill is considered holy ground due to the fact…
The Jewish Cemetary on the Mount of Olives has been active for over 2000 years. The site is desirable for those of Jewish faith as a Bible verse (Zech. 14:4) claims that the resurrection will begin here when the messiah arrives. The Mount of Olives…
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