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  • Tags: dome of the rock
The Noble Sanctuary is home to a number of religiously significant sites and structures. This photograph shows a mass of visitors at the Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall (19th century) because of the cries of visitors overcome by emotion…
Directly 22 meters northwest of the Dome of Rock on its platform lies the Dome of the Ascension (seen in the center of this picture). Originally a Crusader baptismal, this 6 meter wide dome was rebuilt as a Muslim shrine in 1200. To the left of this…
The Dome of the Rock, the oldest surviving Muslim monument, is built around the foundation stone. The need to build around the holy rock influenced it’s unusual floor plan. The Dome of the Rock’s form is that of an octagon, with four salient…
The exterior of the Dome of the Rock, adorned with both marble and mosaic, was covered during the Ottoman Empire in, “magnificent Turkish tiles” (Ettinghausen, 16). In this photograph, which shows the Temple Mount, on which the building is located,…
The building is the earliest remaining Islamic monument. It is constructed on an artificial platform, has a 20 m dome, and richly decorated with mosaic. The shape of the building is octagonal. It was built by the Umayyad dynasty, in part to complete…
The Dome of the Rock, built over the Foundation Stone, is the oldest remaining Muslim monument. It has been meticulously maintained over the last 1400 years. The dome, spanning almost 20 m, had to be refitted with new ribs to support it after the…
The Dome of the Rock is the earliest remaining Islamic monument. It is constructed on an artificial platform, has a dome measuring 20 meters in diameter, and a exterior richly decorated in mosaic. The shape of the building is octagonal. It was built…
The Dome of the Rock is the earliest remaining Islamic monument. It is constructed on an artificial platform, has a dome measuring 20 meters in diameter, and a exterior richly decorated in mosaic. The shape of the building is octagonal. It was built…
The Dome of the Rock was the first artistic endeavor of the Umayyads, and is the earliest surviving example of an Islamic monument. The architecture was meant to rival the splenduer of contemporary Christian and Judaic architecture. The building’s…
The Dome of the Rock was built to rival the splendor of Christian and Judaic architecture of the time. It’s dome is 20 m wide and consists of two wooden shells supported by a drum 16 m in height. The building uses design elements from Christian…
This 1980 photograph shows the facade of the outer wall at the Dome of the Rock. The mosaic design is significant in that it does not contain any representational imagery. The Dome of the Rock introduced decorative principles that heavily influenced…
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