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  • Tags: Western Wall
At about 1600 feet, the Western Wall is the longest of the four walls retaining the Temple Mount. It is mainly noted for its tourism and frequent visitors, as it is a famous Jewish prayer area for the people of Israel.
The Noble Sanctuary is home to a number of religiously significant sites and structures. This photograph shows a mass of visitors at the Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall (19th century) because of the cries of visitors overcome by emotion…
Seen in this picture are large crowds of Jewish folk that have come to pray at the wall. The prayer area, in which you will see varying amounts of people at varying times, is dedicated to the lower square near the wall. It is believed that the Divine…
Nestled in the Old City of Jerusalem lays the Western Wall. This wall, being exposed only 62 feet in length, acts as a support for the Temple Mount. Before 1867, it was believed that the wall consisted of 24 rows of stones, making it around 18 meters…
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