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  • Tags: tableland
Brava landscape taken in the mist of the elevated tableland that makes up most of the island. This photograph was taken during an overland journey by truck from Nova Sintra to Fajã d'Água.
Photograph taken during an overland journey between Nova Sintra and Fajã d'Água. Rising into the mist is Monte Fontainhas, at 977 m it is the highest point on Brava.
Photo of the dry, central tableland taken during an overland journey from Nova Sintra to Fajã d'Água.
The try tableland of Brava was once green and lush, but a significant drought in the mid-twentieth century has c ontinued to effect the landscape and vegetation of the island. This photo was taken during a journey by aluguer from Nova Sintra to Fajã…
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