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  • Tags: conservation
Pictured is a mangrove tree situated in the marsh of the Everglades. This tree is especially adapted to survive in this environment as they can survive in salt water and fresh water environments. There are three species of mangrove trees that can be…
Captured in this picture is some of the Everglades’ wildlife amongst its dense marshes. A cluster of Roseate Spoonbill’s can be seen nesting in the tress of the background of this picture. This species of birds is native to the coastal areas of…
Pictured are two wading birds that are native to the Everglades. This is a very biologically diverse area, being home to many rare and endangered species of birds, plants, and animals. Some of these species include: the great blue heron, the Florida…
Southern and central regions of the Everglades is densely packed with sawgrash marsh. It is the largest sawgrass marsh in the world. This particular type of grass has sharp “teeth” covering the blade’s edge and has the capacity to grow to lengths of…
The Everglades National Park is a public park dedicated to the conservation and preservation of this natural habitat. The Everglades area once spanned 11,000 square miles, but the National Park only protects the southern fifth of the entire region.…
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