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  • Tags: monument
The Memorial to the Holocaust Plaza was designed by Israeli sculptor Dani Karavan and completed in 1972. It is a memorial plaza at the the Weizmann Institute of Science, the center piece of which is a bronze and stone sculpture representing a torah…
This photograph shows Dani Karavan’s 1972 Memorial to the Holocaust. The sculpture, which is a large torah scroll split and inscribed with numbers, is installed at the Weizmann Institute of Science. It is the center piece of a plaza on campus.
The Memorial to the Holocaust Plaza was designed by Israeli sculptor Dani Karavan and completed in 1972. It is a memorial plaza at the the Weizmann Institute of Science, the center piece of which is a bronze and stone sculpture representing a torah…
The Memorial to the Holocaust at the Wizmann Institute of Science was designed by Israeli sculptor Dani Karavan. The site is a plaza with a split torah sculpted in the center. The torah sculpture is insrcibed with numbers, perhaps alluding to the…
Arlington National Cemetery was established during the American Civil War and currently covers an area of 624 acres in Arlington, VA. This photograph, taken in the mid-1980s looks north across the cemetery and shows the Arlington skyline on the…
  The World War I Monument designed and created by architect Paul P. Cret and sculptors C.P. Jennewein and Janet de Coux stands before the Providence County Courthouse on Benefit St. The monument, originally located in Post Office Square (renamed…
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