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  • Tags: Village Life
Children and livestock mingle near this watersource in a village, believed to be Calheta. This shady street is lined with stone and concrete houses and cobblestone roads that are distinct to many Cape Verdean villages.
A village square in Vila do Maio. This view looks across the opposite direction of the slide, "Getting Water in Vila do Maio." The water source is in the foreground at the left of the frame.
A group of women and children in Vila do Maio wait to get water in large, repurposed plastic buckets.
Small village on the road to Paùl where the terrain is recommended to be traversed by a 4 wheel drive vehicle. Possibly a farm to the left, here you can see a great example of the sheer cliffs that make up the landscape of this area. The road…
A scene in an alley in Ribeira Grande, known locally as Povoação. It is a town built between the Atlantic Ocean and the tall cliffs of northern Santo Antão. Ribeira Grande is known for it's cobbled streets.
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