Browse Items (1954 total)

The display area of the Scialo Brothers Bakery, located at 257 Atwells Avenue in Providence, features examples of the fancy pastry and wedding cakes that have been baked by the Scialos since 1916. In the photograph are Giuseppe Gaeta, Carol (Scialo)…

The great-grandfather and great-grandmother of Ambassador Joseph A. Paolino are featured in this photograph. Shown here from left to right are the following: (seated) Maria and Antonio DePasquale; (standing) Eva, Mary, Arthur, Luigi, Joseph and Gemma…

Highly sophisticated machinery being used by one of the many skilled tool makers employed by Salvatore Tool and Findings.

Born in Providence, owner of jewelry company, Jimmy Fraieli became known to Elvis Presley, Bobby Vinton, Doris Day, Connie Francis, Al Martino and Eddy Fister. His first published song was "It's Great To Be An American," in 1941, played by Glenn…

Born in Providence, RI; graduated from Santa Cecilia Conservatorio of Music in Italy. Studied opera in English, German and Italian. Studied drama. Has large repertorio of 25 roles including La Boheme, Madame Butterfly, Tosca, La Traviata, Il…

Saint Bartholomew's at 297 Laurel Hill Avenue was erected in 1907 to serve a growing Italian American population in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Providence, Rhode Island. ex-Chief Justice Joseph Bevilacqua is shown here carrying the statue of…

This company was originally located at 47 West Exchange Street in Providence. Pictured are the "staff" of the Modern Dairy Ice Cream Company.

Mr. Russ Di Orio [was] one of the largest leading manufacturerers of Rhode Island's famous jewelry industry. He [was] the owner of Di Orio Enterprises, Inc., [at the time] located at 861 Broad Street in Providence. Di Orio Enterprises primarily…

This was a two-seater, which was a very popular type of car around 1910. For anyone that was able to buy one of these cars, it was a sign that they had made it and that they were able to afford some of the luxuries that this great country had to…

This photograph was taken c. 1936, during the early years of development, as is apparent by the overhead leather pulley-belts that were used to work the machinery. Later, when motors became more available, the equipment was modernized and more fully…

Alexander was an outstanding Italian-American with an enviable professional reputation. Born in Providence, he went on to graduate from Brown University with a BS Degree in Civil Engineering. In 1930, he became Inspector of Providence, and many…

Michele was born in Agnone, in the province of Compobasso, Italy on April 6, 1894. He was the son of Donato Nicolo and Antonietta (Pannunzio) D'Agnillo. At 17 years old, he immigrated to America, where he worked in foundries, copper mines, vineyards,…

This scene shows the workers in one of the early jewelry shops. Many of the early Italian immigrants that were given the right opportunity, developed into skilled pattern makers, model makers, and mold makers.

Great numbers of immigrants were processed at this new facility. At that time there were no phones, no taxis, and no radios -- imagine the obstacles they had to overcome! Very few immigrants ever returned to their homeland or saw their families…

This well-known and beloved family of Funeral directors were located at the corner of Dean and Atwells Ave. In this picture, Connie Mac has captured the entire Dilorio undertaking family, the white horse-drawn hearse, the later mechanized white…

This was a landmark at the corner of Atwells Ave. near Holy Ghost Church when Empire furniture was originally known as "Empire Mattress and Furniture Co."

Religious procession (St. Anthony) of Our Lady of Mt. Caramel Church 1938. Location was Spruce and Brayton Ave.

Tony Marocco stands at on the spot where he was born at the corner of Cedar and Crout Sts. 80 years ago. He was one of six children and in 1977, when he was 77 years old, he was discouraged over the future of Federal Hill and believed urban renewal…

John Dilorio shown with horse-drawn hearse, when his place of business was next to 216 Atwells Ave...White hearse were in common use in 1910 and later until the miracle drugs were developed, as there were so many children that died that children's…

Cav. S. Francis Basso, Proprietor of the Providence Cheese and Delicatessen on Atwells Ave...Cav. Basso was one of the pioneer businessmen, who in 1969 purchased a normal cheese store and...transformed it into a unique[ly] Italian Specialty Cheese,…

This photo is comprised of three separate photos relating to Federal Hill House, a nonprofit settlement house that originated on Federal Hill to serve its growing Italian population with social services. The left photograph is of Frank Trifacante, a…

Holy Ghost Church (alternatively, The Church of the Holy Ghost) was built between 1889 and 1901. Bishop Harkins' intent for the Holy Ghost was to allot space for the presence of Italian Catholics migrating to the Federal Hill area. Where it faced…

Garibaldi Park was established by the Bradford Area Neighbors block club in 1975. Previously, the location had been a community bathhouse, but at this time the bathhouse had seen much deterioration in its abandonment and had become a host to vermin.…

Interview discusses the life of Theresa Iannello in Italy and their experience since moving to the United States of America. Topics include religion, gender, business, and the Federal Hill neighborhood in Providence, Rhode Island.

This is an audio file with a transcript. The interview has been catalogued as 23 of 51 from box 6 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Three Generations of Italians,' is located on audio…

This is an audio file with a transcript. The interview has been catalogued as 23 of 51 from box 6 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'Three Generations of Italians,' is located on audio…

Letter describing the use of a water divining "wand" to find a stream.

Letter describing how Hazard scored eleven points in a billiards game through spiritual intervention.

Description of "Spiritual Manifestation" of George Washington at the Philadelphia World Exhibition in 1876.

Incomplete letter describing an Irishman's account of the Banshee.

Description of spirit intervention which protected Hazard from a potentially dangerous encounter with a bull.

Describes Hazard's experience hearing and feeling the ghost of his friend's deceased father, who advised Hazard on how best to help his friend.

Description of visit in June, 1857, to English windmill haunted by a female ghost.

Notes on Henry Olcutt and other mediums, who have traveled to India and "passed into a sphere beyond."

Description of “Spiritual Sittings” with Edward Clark, during which “the table began to move, and before the close of the evening, it would not only rock most vigorously; and on the following evening, this Table would frequently run all about the…

Notes discussing the history of “Modern Spiritualism,” including “rapping Mediumship” of Kate Fox, the “Cock Lane Ghost”, the “Salem Witches”, and Church’s suppression of mediums and seers. Includes description of Hazard’s early visions of children…

Incomplete letter regarding tour of Scotland, including sitting with former servant of Sir Walter Scott and encounter with the ghost of Robert Burns.

Notes on an encounter with the spirit of the recently deceased Theodore Parker , who attributed Hazard’s “difficulty as a medium” to his “unwillingness to be led by others.”

Request from Joseph Peace Hazard for recommendations for materializing mediums in the Boston area. Includes response from Luther Colby with names and addresses of materializing mediums.

Letter regarding eulogy for Mr. Ayer, builder of "The Spiritual Temple" in Boston. Includes Hazard's thoughts on the Christian Church's beliefs in "the reality of Spiritual Manifestations of today, though most of them are opposed to them"; and notes…

Letter attesting to Hazard's personal experiences and belief in Spiritualism--that Hazard "never felt any apprehension of fraud at any of the thousands of Spiritual Seances" he had attended--and notes that the presence of skeptics at authentic…

Letter regarding the "Haunted house" in Wilmington, Delaware, which Hazard had mentioned to the Seybert Commission. Mentions Hazard's friendship with Henry Seybert. Includes account of John Ladd, a Newport carpenter-turned-"Spiritual Medium" who…

Letter in which Hazard, at 83 1/2 years of age, expresses a "wish to be on the other side, so soon as I can arrange my affairs." Includes account of the "Palatine Ship", a ghost ship apparition around Block Island.

Letter discussing Spiritualism within the Hazard family, including employment of healing mediums by Rowland G. Hazard. Includes account of "the Banshee" and Hazard's travels in Italy and Ireland.

Letter asking for recommendations for "Healing Medium" in Boston. Mentions Sarah Rockwood, a healing medium who attended Rowland Gibson Hazard at the end of his life, and Mary Hull, who was employed as a medium by Thomas R. Hazard.

Letter to John C. Bundy, Esq. 1889-03-14
Letter in which Hazard comments on "The Fox Girls" who have "in their old age - disavowed Spiritualism" and confessed their fraud. Hazard notes that because the women have become "intemperate" that their confessions are suspect. Includes mentions…

This is an audio file with a transcript. The interview has been catalogued as 18 of 20 from box 9 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'From Immigrant to Ethnic,' is located on audio cassette…

This interview has been catalogued as 18 of 20 from box 9 in the Ethnic Heritage Studies collection. The original audio recording, made for the series, 'From Immigrant to Ethnic,' is located on audio cassette 18 in box 10.

David Harrower’s Letter to the Editor, describing spiritual painting session. Harrower cites Joseph Peace Hazard’s recommendation of Mrs. Debar, who is responsible for “wonderful spiritual manifestations” in New York City.

Booklet with instructions for conducting seances at home.
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