Researcher Registration


The Rhode Island College Special Collections (SC) at the James P. Adams Library invites you to engage with our collections for your research purposes and we look forward to assisting you. Our holdings are accessible to everyone, within and outside of the Rhode Island College community. Many of our materials are unique, rare, or fragile; because of this, our material can only be used in the Reading Room and does not circulate. Please complete the registration form and review the policies.


First Name (required)

Last Name (required)
Preferred Pronouns
E-mail (preferably non-RIC) (required)
Phone Number (required)
Address (not required)
Affiliation with Rhode Island College
Area or subject of research
Please let us know if you have any accessibility needs and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Reading Room policies

To ensure the safety and care of our collections, we ask that you abide by the following Reading Room policies and procedures:


  • Collection materials are kept safest when handled with clean and dry hands. Nearby restrooms are conveniently located for handwashing before entering the Reading Room. Gloves may be required for unenclosed photographs, negatives, or drawings.
  • You may have anything with you needed for research purposes (laptops, tablet, phone, notepad, notebook, etc.) however all bags and jackets must be kept in the front of the Reading Room either on or near the coat rack.
  • Use only pencils in the Reading Room. Extra pencils, sharpeners, and erasers are available for your convenience. Pens, markers, highlighters, etc. are not permitted in the Reading Room. If you have a pen, please keep it with your personal belongings at the front of the room.
  • No drinks are allowed on or near the Reading Room tables. A closed container may be kept in your bag at the front of the Reading Room, however food is not allowed in the Reading Room. This includes gum, lollipops, and other candies/cough drops.
  • Only one box and one folder may be on the Reading Room table at a time. It should be placed flat on the table. Do not rearrange the order of, add marks to, or erase any material. If records are out of order, please let SC staff know.
  • Collections must remain on the table during use. Arms, elbows, laptops, cameras, phones, and sheets of paper should never be rested on library collections.
  • If using a book, do not attempt to open uncut pages. Please ask SC staff for help.
  • Copying and reproduction services are provided by SC. Certain materials may be subject to use or duplication restrictions. Photography is allowed with prior permission and may be collection dependent.
  • Some collections may contain documents with information subject to confidentiality laws or similar restrictions. Researchers will notify staff upon finding such material and not use those materials in any way that would conflict with the legal or ethical use restrictions.
  • The researcher agrees not to place any materials copied for or by them in any other repository without the permission of SC.
  • SC must be notified prior to any intended publication or any other dissemination of materials obtained from SC.
  • When using archival materials in a research product, appropriate citations must be used. SC will provide citation requirements for all collections.
  • Researchers using collections are responsible for clearing rights including copyright, literary rights, and cultural rights.

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I understand by submitting this form, I am agreeing to all of the above conditions and that my information is accurate. (required)

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