Alumni publications: A collection of publications written by RIC alumni. A majority of these books are browsable on the 3rd floor of Adams Library.
Education curriculum collection: Collection of books influencing elementary and secondary education curriculum, 1900-1959. Many of these books were pulled from the library’s main collection. This collection is browsable on the 4th floor of Adams Library.
Faculty publications: A variety of books and articles that were published by RIC faculty. More recent materials can be found in RIC Digital Commons. Note: RIC faculty are also encouraged to submit articles and other publications to the DigitalCommons@RIC digital repository managed by Adams Library. Books pre-2000 are located in the Special Collections closed stacks, however books published post-2000 are browsable on the 3rd floor of Adams Library.
Rhode Island Normal School Library: A representative collection of volumes from the library of the Rhode Island Normal School, 1854-1919.
Egypt Study Group collection: Published materials collected by RIC’s Egypt Study Group in the 1970s.
RIC associated books: Items that have an association with Rhode Island College. Also includes books about the Rhode Island Normal School.
Student publications: Includes theses and dissertations written by students at Rhode Island College, which is a mostly duplicative set of the student publications found on the 3rd floor of Adams Library. This collection also includes School of Nursing master’s projects and major papers, as well as School of Social Work master’s projects. More recent materials can be found in RIC Digital Commons. Note: RIC students are also encouraged to submit articles and other publications to the DigitalCommons@RIC digital repository managed by Adams Library.